Meet the Chiropractor
Dr Benjamin Brown grew up in a small town in the NSW Snowy Mountains. He undertook his studies at Macquarie University and graduated as a Chiropractor in 2003. Acknowledging his love for learning and the allied-health field he continued with his higher education and completed a PhD in 2012.

As well as being a clinician with over 22 years of experience, Dr Brown is also a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chiropractic at Macquarie University.
Dr Brown's personal approach to health is very simple - to stay healthy a person must develop an understanding of the habits that promote health, and then apply those habits consistently. Dr Brown provides the knowledge, guidance and support to help people regain and maintain their health.
Outside of his professional life, he enjoys keeping fit and healthy through weight training, attempting to surf, and mountain bike riding. He also dabbles with electric guitar and bass, drumming and singing.
Bachelor of Chiropractic Science - Macquarie University (2001)
Master of Chiropractic - Macquarie University (2003)
Doctorate of Philosophy - Macquarie University (2012)
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority:
Chiropractic Board of Australia (CBA)
Professional Affiliation:
Spine Society of Australia (SSA)
Chiropractic Australia (CA)
Chiropractic and Osteopathic College of Australasia (COCA)
Full-time academic staff member - Macquarie University (2020-Present)
Sessional academic staff member - Macquarie University (2017-2020)
Clinical Supervisor - Macquarie University (2017-2020)
Orthopedics Lecturer and Convener - Macquarie University (2011 - 2017)
Master of Research Program Coordinator - Macquarie University (2014 - 2017)
Neurology Tutor and Guest Lecturer - Macquarie University (2011 - 2012)
Diagnosis and Management Tutor - Macquarie University (2014)
Chiropractic Technique Tutor - Macquarie University (2014)
Austin-Candler S, Carson J, Cheung R, Vuong W, Boakes A, Engel RM, Graham PL, McAviney J, Brown BT. A Retrospective Analysis of 190 Patients with Scoliosis Referred to a Private Australian Clinical Advisory Service Between 2017 and 2020. J Chiroprac Med. 2024 (In Press)
Phillips N, Brown BT, Jones MP, Magson N, Beynon A, Swain MS. The association between bullying victimization and back pain in young people: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Pain. 2024 [In Press].
Searant I, Brown BT, Jenkins HJ. Chiropractors’ perceptions on the use of spinal radiographs in clinical practice: a qualitative study. Chiropr Man Therap 32, 23 (2024)
Wiggins D, Downie A, Engel R, Grace S, Brown BT. Factors that Influence the Scope of Practice of the Chiropractic Profession in Australia: A Thematic Analysis. Chiropr Man Therap. 2024;32:18
Jenkins HJ, Brown BT, O’Keeffe M, Maher C, Hancock M. Development of low back pain curriculum content standards for entry-level clinical training. BMC Med Educ 2024;24:136.
Theroux J, Brown BT, Marchese R, Selby M, Cope V, McAviney J, et al. The impact of pregnancy on women with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a scoping review. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2023;59(4):505-521
Gorrell LM, Brown BT, Engel R, Lystad, R. Reporting of adverse events associated with spinal manipulation in randomised clinical trials: an updated systematic review BMJ Open 2023;13: e067526.
Feise RJ, Mathieson S, Kessler RS, Witenko C, Zaina F, Brown BT. Benefits and harms of treatments for chronic nonspecific low back pain without radiculopathy: systematic review and meta-analysis. Spine J. 2023 May;23(5):629-641.
Wiggins D, Downie A, Engel RM, Brown BT. Factors that influence scope of practice of the five largest health care professions in Australia: a scoping review. Hum Resour Health (2022) 20;87.
Engel R, McAviney J, Graham PL, Anderson PJ, Brown, BT. Novel Screening Tool for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Reliability Study. J Manip Physiol Thera. 2022. 45;5:358-364
Wiggins D, Downie A, Engel R, Brown BT. Factors that influence scope of practice of the chiropractic profession in Australia: a scoping review. Chiropr Man Therap. 2022. 14;30(1):19.
McAviney J, Brown BT. Treatment of infantile idiopathic scoliosis using a novel thoracolumbosacral orthosis: a case report. J Med Case Reports 2022. 16, 20.
Lystad RP, Brown BT, Swain MS, Engel RM. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Manual Therapy Service Utilization within the Australian Private Healthcare Setting. Healthcare 2020. 8;558.
Lystad RP, Brown BT, Swain MS, Engel R. Service utilisation trends in the manual therapy professions within the Australian private healthcare setting between 2008 and 2017. Chiroprac Man Ther. 2020. 28;49
McAviney, J., Roberts, C., Sullivan, B. Alevras, A. Graham, PL., Brown, BT. The prevalence of adult de novo scoliosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Spine J 2020.
McAviney J, Mee J, Fazalbhoy A, Du Plessis J, Brown BT. A systematic literature review of spinal brace/orthosis treatment for adults with scoliosis between 1967 and 2018: clinical outcomes and harms data. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2020. 21;87
Fong, K, Jenkins R, Gilder S, Graham PL, Brown BT. The influence of online video learning aids for preparing postgraduate chiropractic students for an objective structured clinical examination. J Chiro Edu 2019;10.7899/JCE-18-8.
da Silva T, Mills K, Brown BT, Pocovi N, de Campos T, Maher C, Hancock M. Risk of recurrences of low back pain: a prospective inception cohort study. J Physiother 2019. 65: p.159-165
Gubbels CM, Oakely PA, McAviney J, Harrison D, Brown BT. Reduction of Scheuermann’s deformity and scoliosis using ScoliBrace and a scoliosis specific rehabilitation program: a case report. J Phys Thera Sci, 2019. 31(2): p. 159-165.
Lystad, RP, Brown BT. "Death is certain, the time is not”: mortality and survival in Game of Thrones. Injury Epidemiology, 2018. 5(1): p. 44.
McAviney J, Brown BT, Letter to the Editor: On Cobb angles, flexibility, and lumbar strength measurements. J Exerc Rehabil. 2017 13(4): p. 497-498.
Gorrell LM, Brown BT, Lystad RP, Engel RM, Predictive factors for reporting adverse events following spinal manipulation in randomized clinical trials – secondary analysis of a systematic review. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 2017. 30: p. 34-41
Brown BT, Blacke A, Carroll V, Graham PL, Kawchuk G, Downie A,Swain M, The comfort and safety of a novel rolling mechanical indentation device for the measurement of lumbar trunk stiffness in young adults. Chiroprac Man Ther 2017. 25(1): p. 21.
da Silva T, Mills K, Brown BT, Herbert RD, Maher CG,Hancock MJ, Risk of Recurrence of Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 2017. 47(5): p. 305-313.
Gorrell LM, Engel RM, Lystad RP, Brown BT. Assignment of adverse event indexing terms in randomized clinical trials involving spinal manipulative therapy: an audit of records in MEDLINE and EMBASE databases. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2017. 17(1):41.
Giuriato R, Swain M, Brown BT, Downie A. (2016). "Commentary: A report on the Chiropractic Education Colloquium." Chiropractic Journal of Australia 44(4): 283-289.
Karpouzis F, Bonello R, Pribicevic M, Kalamir A, Brown BT. Quality of reporting of randomised controlled trials in chiropractic using the CONSORT checklist. ? Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2016. 24(1): 1-13.
Gorrell L, Engel RM, Brown BT, Lystad RP. The reporting of adverse events following spinal manipulation in randomized clinical trials; a systematic review. The Spine Journal 2016.16: 1143 – 1151
Karpouzis F, Brown BT, Kalamir A, Pribicevic M, Bonello R. Quality of Reporting of Randomized Controlled Trials in Chiropractic using the CONSORT Checklist: A protocol for a review. Chiropractic Journal of Australia 2016. 1(1): 17-32.
Brown BT, Graham, P.L., Bonello, R., Pollard, H: A biopsychosocial approach to primary hypothyroidism: treatment and harms data from a randomized controlled trial." Chiropr Man Therap 2015. 23(24).
Wearing J, Beaumont S, Forbes D, Brown BT, Engel R, The Use of Spinal Manipulative Therapy in the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Med, 2015.
Brown BT, Bonello R, Fernandez-Caamano R, Eaton S, Graham PL, Green H: Consumer Characteristics and Perceptions of Chiropractic and Chiropractic Services in Australia: Results From a Cross-Sectional Survey. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2014;37(4):219-29.
Engel RM, Brown BT, Swain MS, Lystad RP: The provision of chiropractic, physiotherapy and osteopathic services within the Australian private health-care system: a report of recent trends. Chiropr Man Therap 2014, 22:3.
Brown BT, Bonello, R., Fernandez-Caamano, R., Graham, P.L., Eaton, S., Green, H. Chiropractic in Australia - A Survey of the General Public. Chiropr J Aust. 2013;43(3):85-92.
Swain MS, Downie, A., Brown, BT, Lystad, RP. A Commentary to Address the State of Chiropractic Research in Australia. Chiropr J Aust. 2013;43(2):73-4.
Eaton, S., Bonello, R., Brown, BT, Graham, P.L. Chiropractic Practice in NSW: A Description of Demographic and Practitioner Characteristics. Chiropractic Journal of Australia 2012, 42(3): 114-121.
Eaton, S., Bonello, R., Strkalj, G., Brown, BT, Green, H., Graham, P.L. Demographic Characteristics and Perceptions of Supply and Demand of Chiropractic Services in Australia: Results from Stage 1 of the Work Force Study Survey. Chiropractic Journal of Australia 2012, 42(3): 82-90.
Brown BT, Bonello R, Pollard H, Graham, P. The influence of a biopsychosocial-based treatment approach on the clinical manifestations of primary overt hypothyroidism: a protocol for a pilot study Trials 2010, 11:106
Brown BT, Bonello R, Pollard H. The use of Traditional Chinese Medical Principles in Chiropractic Technique Chiropr J Aust 2008, 38: 18-26
Brown BT, Bonello R, Pollard H. The biopsychosocial model and hypothyroidism Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2005, 13:5
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